Our Annual Meeting will take place this year on Monday April 28th at 6:00pm at the South Bend Elks Lodge #235 located at 3535 McKinley Ave. South Bend, Indiana. At this meeting, the election of three members of the Board of Directors will be conducted. No nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting unless there are fewer nominees than vacancies on the Board.
The Nominating Committee has recommended the following to fill the vacancies on the board for 3-year terms:
John R. Parhm
Anthony Lopez
Stephen M. Hart
Further nominations for vacancies on the Board of Directors may be made by petition signed by at least 1% of total membership (Over 50,000), but not more than 500 members (primary not joint account holders). Such petitions must include the biographical data, and qualifications of the person nominated, along with a signature certifying the person’s willingness to be nominated and serve on the Board if elected. Any nominating petitions along with the biographical information shall be filed with the Secretary of the Credit Union no later than March 19th (40 days prior to the Annual Meeting).
The biographical information and qualifications of any individual who is nominated by petition will be available for review at all CW offices 35 days prior to the meeting. The election will be by a plurality of all members present and voting and shall be by written ballot unless the number of nominees is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled by the elections. If the number of nominees is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the board Chair may take a voice vote or may declare each nominee elected by general consent or acclamation.
- Kyle Beaudway, CW Board Secretary